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Reader Spotlight 

Every month we'll highlight a reader in the Great Lakes Bay region and learn more about them, their work, and their reading life. We'll also discuss books and share a conversation about their journey.


Read on to learn more about Erin, the book that made the biggest impact, and her work.


Are you originally from Midland? If not, how long have you lived in Midland?

I’m originally from Cincinnati, Ohio. I’ve lived in Midland for 18 years. 


Who is in your personal village?

That’s a broad question honestly. I have a husband and four sons. I also have a mother and aunts that live here. Then there’s friends and community. My village is pretty big and solid. :)


What inspired you to start The Breaking Bread Village?

2020 was interesting with the pandemic, election, George Floyd, and many other things – it was a year that brought the worst and best of people out. It was a very divisive year and people were talking at each other and not listening. So I decided to bring about change instead of complaining about it. 


If you met someone for the first time, how would you describe it?

​An organization that seeks to create safe spaces and encourages open dialogue – from all people. 

What are you most proud of with the organization?

​That we’ve caused such ripple effects and helped with creating change in people’s lives and perspectives. 


What are you most looking forward to?

What’s to come!! 


Do you have a book or books that have inspired your work? you personally?

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. This book taught me so much in how I interact with people.


You're a member of the Creative360 board. How does that align with your vision for yourself/TBBV?

They too create spaces for different communities within our community. 


What else can people look forward to from TBBV this year?

We have shows coming up – for our includingYOU series – in August, October, and January. They can go to to find out more! 

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