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About LPB


Andrea Richmond - Proprietress

For as long as I can remember, I've been enthralled with making things better.


This fascination has taken many forms. From graphic design to marketing communications, account management to copywriting, and personal and professional improvement to community development, I've been most fulfilled when objects and life are more organized, more creative, and more connected. And, when I'm able to play a part in the transformation, it's even better.


I love unleashing the best in people both in myself (when I can get out of my own way) and others. That love has served me in many ways. It has also led me to this point. Inspired by my love of reading, the purpose of this endeavor is to connect people of Saginaw to inspiring and informational books, uplifting events, and each other. 


Here's to serendipity!



Inspirational Podcasts

Vintage Radios

I'll admit it. I just discovered podcasts in the summer of 2018.


I'm not sure where I was but clearly I was missing out! My world opened up when I found a plethora of programs - wonderful stories, inspirational endeavors and fascinating discoveries.


Oh, and books, books and more books! 


Here are my favorites. Some have changed my life or made it better. 

Bookish Brilliance


What Should I Read Next? hosted by Anne Bogel

Discovering WSIRN during a road trip to Newport, RI, altered my thoughts on books, inspired me to start a book club, and put me on the path to finding and following my passion. Thank you, Anne!


From the Front Porch hosted by Annie B. Jones 

Kudos go to Anne again as I heard Annie on the WSIRN podcast. This is a down-home good time. Full of interesting conversations related to reading and owning a bookstore, From the Front Porch makes you feel like you're kicking back with sweet tea and listening to friends.


The Librarian Is In hosted by Frank Collerius 

Brought to you from the New York Public Libraries, this is a fabulous show that gives you insite into life in NYC and behind the scenes in a large public library. Frank and Gwenn are great hosts that pull you in to the conversation whatever it may be. 




Living Life to the Fullest


Good Life Project hosted by Jonathan Fields

Inspiration fills every episode of Good Life Project and bubbles up through unexpected and diverse stories. Jonathan is an engaging host whose path is built around finding and following your purpose. 


The One You Feed hosted by Eric Zimmer

Based on a famous parable, this podcast explores how realizing your potential is linked to where you put your effort.  




Business on Purpose


How I Built This hosted by Guy Raz

An engaging look at how people from all aspects of business reached the pinnacle of success.


StartUp hosted by Alex

A fascinating look behind the scenes of a variety of business start up. Learn everything from frustration to funding to fruitful outcomes. 


Rise hosted by Rachel Hollis 

A weekly pep talk by your personal cheerleader that has built a mega successful business empire. 




Good Stuff


99% Invisible hosted by Roman Mars

Unusual topics are elevated by the smooth voice of Roman Mars and the research that makes these stories difficult to turn off.


Satellite Sisters hosted by the Dolan Sisters

It's like having coffee with your sister or best friend. Listen to the latest current events, life happenings of the sisters, and tips and tricks to live life more fully.

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